AC Unity Is The First Game With PlayStation Prompts On PC

When PlayStation 4 released last year, the DualShock 4 controller was hugely praised for its improvements over the previous version (though it tends to wear out quickly for some;  personally, mine is still in great shape). As a result, many have begun using it over the Xbox 360/One controller even while playing PC games, and quite a few applications have been developed in order to run it properly; most recently, DS4Windows became very popular and I use it regularly.

However, there’s a small issue - pretty much every game right now has Xbox button prompts, but not PlayStation ones. It’s not a big deal if your memory is good enough to instantly convert the Xbox prompt to the equivalent PlayStation one, but I still wished for a long time that developers would just implement proper PS prompts.


Almost incidentally, I discovered that AC Unity is the first game to do so. With DS4Windows running, the DualShock 4 is recognized as an Xbox controller (that’s what the application does, basically) and you get the appropriate prompts; however, yesterday I forgot to open the application before launching AC Unity and yet the game instantly recognized the controller, showing the correct PlayStation prompts as you can see in the screenshots below.

Everything is mapped as it should, with the touchpad opening the map of Paris, though of course the Share button does nothing. I really hope more developers follow in the footsteps of Ubisoft with AC Unity, as it’s clear that DualShock 4 is the premier controller choice for most nowadays (it’s even used in most press demonstrations and events with PC games), and I can bet it’s not really a lot of trouble to just add the proper prompts.